Monday, December 10, 2012

0 Provolone Moon Sandwich, Ham Cubes with Bats

 October 29 2012

Lunch: Turkey Sandwich with Provolone Cheese Moon. Ham cubes with cute Bat Picks.  Cheese Tortillas hiding under napkin. Tomatoes in halloween cupcake cup.

Snacks:  Bear Hard Boiled Eggs (refer to previous post for DIY instructions), Ham or Cheese, Grapes, with Halloween tooth picks.

YumLunch?  Yes. Although, minor issues with the cheese. If it winds up being eaten in the late afternoon, it starts to get sweaty, and boy doesn't finish.  Will try freezing cubes, and see if that works better.

Cute pics of the boy:  Pumpkin husband carved (boy drew what he wanted on dry erase board).  Cool battery run candle that changes color. Photo was shot while it was green. Spooky.

0 PB Sandwich with Cheese Cutouts, Bunnies, Cheese Cubes.

October 25, 2012

Lunch: Plain PB sandwich with cute heart cut outs from cheese my son said he didn't like. Wos. Way to go Mommy. Grapes and Tomatoes.

Snack AM: Plums, Cheese Cubes, and Annies Cheddar Bunnies.

Snack PM: PB sandwich and bunnies.

Yum Lunch? 
Yep. All Gone. Even the Cheese hearts.

Sidebar: Trader Joe's sells buckets of plums for something ridiculous like $3, and they are great in lunches.

0 Cream Cheese Crackers, Turkey Rolls, Tortilla Rollups

October 24, 2012

Snack AM: Tomatoes in halloween cupcake-cup,  Cream Cheese Crackers, solitary TJ Turkey Rolls, American Cheese Flower Cutouts.

Snack PM: Cream Cheese Crackers, Carrots, American Cheese Cutouts, More TJ Turkey.

Lunch: Trader Joe's Turkey - just a solitary roll of meat. Tortilla with cream cheese. Cream Cheese Crackers. Hearts from AmericanCheese.

Not sure.  Boy says he ran out of time. Turkey rolls and Cheese Cut-outs weren't all gone.

The turkey is super organic, no preservatives, etc., from Trader Joe's. For the record, it sort of smells like a foot when removed from the packaging, but tastes good. It is also really wet -- so I blot with a paper towel before putting in the lunch.

Boy also said he didn't really like the taste of the American Cheese. This is only a bummer because as a creative medium, the American cheese is really cute when using cookie cutters. But as a Mom, who is gently trying to shape and prejudice my son's palette to like healthy food, I have to be happy - he's having a princess and the pea reaction to highly processed cheese, and prefers "regular" "real" cheese.

0 Halloween Theme: Franken-Pear Sandwich and Bat Toothpicks

October 23, 2012

Lunch: Pear. wrapped in cellophane. Drew onto cellophane with a Sharpie, to make a FrankenSammie (a little smeary, but you get the idea).  Sandwich is a simple PB. HardBoiled egg, in Shell with Cat Sticker. Grape Tomatoes in Halloween cupcake paper cup.

Snack AM: Other half of pear, sliced and wrapped in cellophane. Cheese cubes with Bat picks.

Snack PM: PB sandwich and grapes.

Yep. All Gone.

Sidebar: Teachers complained (within earshot of my son, and his peers) that his egg was way too messy.  I'm not exactly pleased with the adults in the room complaining about his healthy food and making him feel bad about his lunch. That being said, my kid is totally messy with his food, and it probably is a drag to clean up his crumbs day after day.  My reco? Give him a dustpan and make it a fun game/song to cleanup his mess after lunch. That's what we do at home. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

0 Will My Kid Eat Cold Shrimp Cocktail? Chicken Lingonberry Croissants.

October 22, 2012     8th Week of School

Lunch: My boy loves fish - and who doesn't like a cold shrimp cocktail once in awhile?  Trying to send chilled shrimp (cooked last night) along with a chicken lingonberry croissant sandwich, and plum.

Snack AM: 1/2 Lingonberry Chix Sammy, Grapes

Snack PM: 1/2 Lingon-Chix Sammy, Tomatoes.

Extra Snack:  D has a hoops class after school, and is picked up 80 minutes later than normal. He needs extra energy!  Chicken and Potato Chips. Note: Boy was asked to eat chicken first, and that chips were reward for finishing.

Shrimp Fail. Boo.  Sandwiches and Fruit gone. Extra Snack not finished.

0 Hot Lunch: Bow Ties, Snack: Hard Boiled Egg Robots, Chicken

October 19, 2012

Lunch:  Bought New Fantastic LunchBots Stainless Steel Food Container. Attempting to pack hot lunch again (See Previous Hot Lunch Post). Boiled water, poured over LunchBot Tin, while it sat in a collander. Heated left over bow ties and marinara sauce in microwave. Placed into Tin Foil, sealed in LunchBot Tin, and placed in insulated lunch box. Let's hope it works.

Snacks: Hard Boiled Eggs in Robot Containers, Leftover Rotisserie Chicken.

YumLunch? Hot Lunch?
Lunch All Gone! Boy said bow ties were warm.
Lot's of left over egg. Boy said not enough time to eat his snack - again. What is up with snack time?

LunchBots Stainless Steel Food Container

0 Space Theme: Egg Robots, PB Stars, Crescent Moon, Plum Moon

October 17, 2012

Lunch:  Hard Boiled Egg in Cute Robot Container, Plum (moon), Croissant Moon Sandwich (Turkey Lingonberry Croissant - see previous post same), Star PB sandwich on homemade bread.

Snack AM: Chicken (Rotisserie Left Overs), Kiwi with cute Bento Picks.

Snack PM: Plum, Munster Cheese Slices, Turkey Roll.

Yum Lunch
60% Yum...
Lunch-Egg wasn't eaten all the way.  Turkey and Cheese left over - Boy said he didn't have enough time to eat all his lunch, and PM Snack.  His mood was crummy too when I picked him up. Food-Mood Connection: his mood is typically bad when he doesn't get his  protein.


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